
S'estan mostrant les entrades d'aquesta data: maig, 2019

The last post.

31st May 2019, my last day. This whole experience has been amazing and has gone by so quickly. I have been here for 8 months and they have definitely been some of the best months of my life (sounds dramatic but it is true). I am not good at speeches/ public speaking (which has been demonstrated) and I figured, I am slightly better at writing so here we go. In October, I was excited but nervous to start at INS Camarles but I quickly got accustomed to the different environment and differences in general. October to December went by very quickly and my weeks were filled with different ESO classes (I hope you enjoyed the activities. I also visited local areas such as Tarragona, Cambrils and Tortosa whilst I also fell in love with L'Ampolla. At Christmas, I stayed here instead of returning back to the UK. This was definitely the best Christmas. At first, I thought I would spend Christmas alone - which I was fine with as food and Gilmore Girls DVD is a great combination fo

Describing people.

Describing people as well as yourself is very important in all languages - it's great for conversations and can help in writing. Describir a las personas, así como a usted mismo, es muy importante en todos los idiomas; es ideal para las conversaciones y puede ayudar a escribir. When describing yourself, you use I and my.  For example: I am 21, I have 1 cat, my favourite colour is pink and my surname is Walker. Al describirte a ti mismo, usas yo y mi. Por ejemplo: Tengo 21 años, tengo 1 gato, mi color favorito es el rosa y mi apellido es Walker. This is different when you are describing other people. You can use they, their, she, her, him, and his. Esto es diferente cuando estás describiendo a otras personas. Puedes usarlos, sus, ella, ella, él y él. His name is Tom and he is 23. His favourite city is London. Her name is Melissa and she is 50. She loves coffee and has 2 daughters. Se llama  Tom y  tiene 23 a ñ os. Su ciudad favorita es Londres. Se llama Meli

English 101

English 101 Here are the English basics - which I'm sure you all know but it's always good to practice. (Bare with the translations - I'm still learning). All photos are from BuzzFeed and the internet. English Castella Catala Yes Sí Si No No No Okay Vale Val Please Por favour Si us plau Don't mention it De nada De res Thank you Gracias Gracies I don't know No sé No ho sé I don't understand. No entiendo No entenc Do you understand? ¿Entiendes? Entens? Do you speak English? ¿hablas inglés? Parles anglès? It doesn't matter. No importa. No importa. The Body Ankle El tobillo El turmell